In Perspective

Amal is a grass root civil society organization contributing to sustainable development of Pakistan. It is registered under Societies Act of 1860 to encourage the youth, the women and other stakeholder groups for action against socio-economic deprivation, unsustainable behaviors and environmental pollution.

Amal strives to achieve its objectives by developing networks of organizations with similar mandate for synergy and greater impact. Since its inception in 2009, it has been working with communities, city governments, corporate entities, academic institutions and experts to implement a range of social programs using smart technologies for sustainable land use, health systems and municipal services management.

The organizational philosophy is that small actions (amals) can bring big positive changes in the lives and livelihoods of people.


To increase social resilience, environmental sustainability and economic empowerment of organizations and communities for promotion of circular economy in Pakistan.


To identify and capacitate a pool of passionate change makers who are able to monitor, conserve and optimize their resource use through small green actions and smart solutions.

Core Values

Positive change in the society is the ultimate goal for which Amal has been striving since its inception. We are moving forward with a passionate team and a strategic plan.

We, at Amal, are passionate about infusing the drive and energy in the youth, the women and other interested groups and organizations to bring change in their behaviors and outlook for social, economic and environmental sustainability of the country.

Amal believes in the power of networks for synergic impact. We have profiled and are working with a number of individual cause champions and organizations for sustainable development of the country.

Amal enables the target groups have control on their resources and develop their commitment to resource saving, reuse and recycling. This is done through awareness campaigns and provision of smart solutions.